CamLab Network

Cambodia Laboratory Network

University of Geneva

Training, information and promotion of vaccinology research

In April 2000, Geneva University and the Marcel Mérieux Foundation came together to enable the creation of a Chair of Vaccinology aimed at promoting Vaccinology tuition, research and projects to:

  • Train young doctors, notably from regions which do not yet have vaccinology experts, and contribute to continuous training for the more experienced professionals so as to widen the networks of experts capable of meeting each community's needs.

  • Respond to questions raised by public health bodies, medical and paramedical bodies, the media and the general public with regards to child vaccinations and their security (conferences, website...)

  • Promote research in the various sectors of vaccinology, notably those relative to vaccine immunology and the efficacy and security of vaccinations for specific populations (infants, immunosuppressed patients, etc.)

Under the direction of Professor Claire-Anne Siegrist, and in collaboration with the WHO, Geneva University's Centre for Vaccinology and Neonatal Immunology pursues these three objectives by participating in large numbers of national and international projects.

In the training and information sector, the InfoVac networks, established in Switzerland and later in France are generating a great deal of enthusiasm among both professionals and the public who all appreciate the depth and objectivity of the information provided. A growing number of doctors have already followed French Vaccinology Courses and received tuition from the ADVAC international vaccinology course. Clinical or fundamental research projects result in large numbers of scientific publications every year, contributing to improved understanding of the basic principles behind vaccinations, the advantages they offer and their limits, and also of the development of the immune system – notably in the early stages of life.

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