CamLab Network

Cambodia Laboratory Network

Coordinated meeting between clinician and laboratory technician on Cambodia Laboratory Information System (CamLIS)

  • Organiser: DHS/BMLS supported by WHO

  • Venue: Phnom Bros Meeting Room, Kampong Cham (Cambodia)

  • Date: August 20- 22, 2019

  • Posted: 10/09/2019

  • Theme: Biology Laboratories Sciences and Activities

  • Type: Event

  • Language: English


LIS of laboratories is a technology allowed clinician follow up and back up laboratory information for treatment in hospital. Laboratory also could transfer the laboratory information to clinician step by step through system. The gap between those parties need good communication and support from management level. Approach to good using CamLIS for more interested and supported healthcare treatment is to discuss and involve from stakeholders.


Gathering feedback from meeting and continued monitoring system.


Download the program [136.56 Ko PDF]

Download the report [180.62 Ko PDF]

Download the presentation Coordinated meeting between physicians and medical lab on CamLIS [2.43 Mo PDF]

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