CamLab Network

Cambodia Laboratory Network

SLMTA in Cambodia - Workshop 1

  • Publisher: Fondation Mérieux

  • Type: Event

  • Posted: 09/02/2015

  • Venue: NAGAWORLD Hotel

  • Language: English

SLMTA (Strengthening Laboratory Management Toward Accreditation) is a tool to implement LQMS (Laboratory Management System) that get success in Africa since 2009. SLMTA bases on trainings by workshops and monitoring by site visits. The program was introduced to Cambodia in 2010 by the US-CDC to implement in 13 laboratories of public hospitals. The first cohort has just finished in 2013 where the achieved score ranges from 1 to 3 stars. The second cohort is ongoing and it’s going to finish in June 2015.   

The Workshop 1 of SLMTA cohort 2 was conducted at the NAGAWORLD Hotel from Dec. 2-6, 2013 with 33 participants from six selected laboratories.
This is the 3rd time that Cambodia SLMTA trainers conducted in Khmer with technical supports from Thailand and Vietnam.

SLMTA program overview and process were provided to participants including Cambodia experiences from SLMTA cohort 1. Many new management tools were introduced and guided in this first workshop focusing on quality improvement methods, productivity, and SOP writing; most participants adapted it quickly because the trainers were dedicated and enthusiasm with their teaching activities. Good teamwork among trainers made the workshop run smoothly; the trainers also continuously improved their teaching skill and knowledge based on daily evaluation from participants and feedbacks from the team at the end of each day.


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